'It is as if I have been given fertile fields or received a beautiful tract of land.'

-psalms 16:6

Our goal is to create a self-sustainable farm that allows the kids to learn about farming and growing their own food as well as a place to grow with God and learn to be good stewards of God’s creation.

Phase I: (Complete) Build a well (borehole) for irrigation and to supply clean water. Plant 16 acres of maize, cassava, and sweet potatoes. Build kitchen/temporary shelter.

Phase 2: (Complete) Hire a farm manager with agriculture and business training. Build a caretaker’s cottage with attached secure storage. Plant an orchard with 350 fruit-bearing trees and a vegetable garden. Buy 4 more acres and build a greenhouse. Build a goat enclosure and add 10 goats.

Phase 3: We are working on plans and pricing for a chapel/community center to create a space to study and share the word of God as well as hold community outreach events. The chapel/community center would also house a small library and computer lab. We also are working on plans for a small hostel/dorm for the kids when they are on break and can not return to their villages or don’t have a home to return to. Of course, there also has to be a playground for the kids!