Our mission is to provide faith-based education and opportunities to orphans and vulnerable children to empower them to be successful members of their community.

Children in Need of Sponsorship


Shalom is nine years old and in Grade three. He is the younger brother of Patience. They live with their mother, and demanding stepfather. Their father passed away. Ill-treated by their stepfather, they were threatened that if they did not sell fruits and doughnuts on the streets, they would not receive a meal. However, in addition, to being malnourished he also appeared to have a lot of sores on his little body.

This is the first little boy to enter our program. We originally focused on the plight of the female orphan population, however, when there is a need, we must react. He was so excited to get his new uniform and will continue to be treated for malnourishment.

Shalom’s sponsor can no longer support his education, so he needs a new sponsor to help him continue his education and stay in a safe place.


“I am an orphan and have been raised by my grandmother who is a peasant farmer. My grandmother raised all five of us with a meager income. My sisters dropped out of school because of a lack of funds. But I struggled and endured to study through secondary school and entered university with little help from well-wishers. Now it is more expensive to pay for university education, but I want to study and obtain university education.”

Getrude is seventeen and wants to continue her studies in biomedical sciences. She also loves to listen to music, read the bible and chat with friends.


Mirrium is the oldest of five children in a broken home. Her father makes poor choices and the children must suffer the consequences of forgoing decent schools. Mirrium is in her first year of university, studying for a Pharmaceutical degree. She has had to step out due to lack of funds.

Mirrium loves to sing and is very outgoing.


Maria has found a way to get through university on her own and is now striving to go on to get her master's degree in Economics! Maria was raised by a single mom who is a nurse by trade. Wanting more for her daughter she encouraged her to get higher education student loans and grants to complete her early education. Maria wants to build a career in social development especially to deal with policy analysis.

According to her peers, her personality is that of an advocate and one that is altruistic in nature, compassionate, and a very principled individual.  Marie loves movies and reading novels. 


Efron and his four siblings live with their grandmother. His father passed away and his mother remarried. The stepfather did not accept any of the children, which left them to fend for themselves.

Efron is very outgoing and has a sense of humor. He loves playing soccer and reading books. He is very curious to go to school, however, he has missed many classes due to a lack of funds. He and his siblings often go to bed hungry as the grandma does what she can to raise funds to feed, cloth and educate the kids.


Stevie is 17 years old and going into First Year of university. According to his caregivers: Stevie lost his father and his mother has a mental illness and lives on the streets. Stevie lives at a Social Rehabilitation care center for street children. His two older siblings have left school and his two younger siblings are at a different social rehabilitation center and an orphanage. The centers often help children with the cost of education, however, due to lack of funding this center reached out to Myrtle House Ministries for help. Stevie with receiving the education he is dreaming of. He has been accepted at a local university to study nutrition and starts in August. Please help us find a sponsor for Stevie.


Samson is a first-year university student studying Management Information Systems. His father is a pastor and was doing well with a small church until his wife had an accident and became paralyzed. While he cared for his wife his congregation dwindled as did their support. Samson and his family need a little help getting back on track. 

If you are interested in sponsoring Witness please contact us.


Emmanuel stays with his mother who has been a widow since March 2015. His late father was a businessman and his death brought a big challenge to the family as the mother is a house. Their current source of income is from the rent of a shop building. The mother was diagnosed with arthritis last year and is still recovering.

Emmanuel loves to play soccer and read. He is loving, caring, and hardworking. Emmanuel is currently in grade 8.

If you are interested in sponsoring Emmanuel please contact us.


Pemphero lives with his mom and three siblings. He lost his father in 2020 to cancer. In Malawi, secondary school has fees for classes as well as exams and uniforms. Both Pemphero and his brother are secondary school age however, their mother is struggling to keep even one of the boys in school. Pemphero would like to be a secondary school teacher when he graduates. He is a very smart and kind young man, determined to graduate. 

Pemphero was sponsored, however, his sponsor has had some life changes and needed to bow out. Please help us keep Pemphero in school.


Lincy's father abandoned her mother as well as his children after her mother developed epilepsy. With poor health, the mother can hardly support her children now, and they face discrimination because of her mother's illness. Lincy was sent home from school for lack of fees and is in serious danger of early marriage if she is unable to return to school. A sponsor would be such a beacon of hope to Lincy and her family.

If you are interested in sponsoring Lincy please contact us.


Lugano is not our typical candidate for sponsorship, but his story is one of sacrifice and we think he deserves a chance to accomplish his dreams. When Lugano was in his first semester of college his mother passed away. Now being a double orphan Lugano made the tough decision to drop out and begin caring for his 2 siblings. He supported them through Secondary school and then through University. Now Lugano wishes to return to college and become an accountant. A sponsor could help Lugano finally achieve his goal, and give him a great career.

If you are interested in sponsoring Lugano please contact us.


Tiwonge is a bright 13-year-old girl in Form 1. Her father lives with a disability in his legs due to contracting polio at a young age. Due to this, Tiwonge's mother shoulders the burden of caring for her and her siblings. They struggle to afford food and basic necessities, and unfortunately, Tiwonge has been sent home from school because they no longer can afford the fees. Tiwonge dreams of becoming an accountant someday so that she can support her younger siblings and parents. Early marriage is prevalent in her community and without a sponsor, she will be at high risk to continue in this cycle of poverty.

If you are interested in sponsoring Tiwonge please contact us.


This is Faith, she is very sweet and very strong in character. We met with her in her home. The home is provided to her by her very hardworking mom who lives and works as house help in South Africa even though she suffers from chronic pain.

Faith is also the aunt of Deborah (one of the other kids in our program). At a very young age, she helped raise her young cousin. She loves spending time with Deborah. She works hard to make sure Deborah is well cared for and happy. She also works hard to keep the house well kept for when her mother someday returns.

Faith is 23 and wants to continue her education. She is in form 3 (junior year in high school) her goal is to go to a technical college for community development which would qualify her for social work.

If you are interested in sponsoring Faith please contact us.

Hope (boy), Atina (girl)

Update: Atina has been sponsored and we are praying Hope will be sponsored soon also!

Atina is 10 and Hope is 7. They are the siblings of another one of our students. Their mother currently sells vegetables and attends a technical school, that we helped her find, to learn the fashion trade (making clothes). She rents a house that may be due back to the owner soon and they will not have anywhere else to go. Our lead coordinator keeps track of this family in particular because of their dire situation. Our goal is to help empower this family with the mother learning a trade and sending the kids to school.

If you are interested in sponsoring Hope please contact us.


Fiskani is an ambitious 17 year-old going into Form 3. Her parents are very poor farmers who live in a remote village. Most of her friends have already married and because of this Fiskani's parents have sent her to live with an aunt hoping she will find better opportunities to get an education. Her dream is to study accounting and become a bank manager. With a sponsorship, the sky is the limit for this beautiful girl.

If you are interested in sponsoring Fiskani please contact us.


Mphatso was living with her father and step-mom, she was living in an abusive atmosphere and was walking 18 kilometers to go to school. After the father and mother divorced because of domestic violence, Mphatso was left with her father and a step-mom who is not kind to her. Mphatso had a sponsor, however, due to unforeseen circumstances the sponsor had to step away.

We have met Mphatso and she is a wonderful, sweet, shy young lady, who works hard in her classes. Mphatso hopes to achieve her goal of becoming the best female civil engineer in the country. Please help us keep her in school.

Patience G.

Patience is a 6-year-old with a big personality. She loves to read and play games. Currently, she and her sister are not attending school due to a lack of fees. Her father, a minister, was paralyzed four years ago and his wife carries him as needed. He was relieved of his duties at the Prespetyrien church and now the family has no income. The financial and psychological toll this family is shouldering is great. We would like to find a sponsor for Patience so she can attend school regularly. 


Matthias is 15 and going into Form 1. His other passed away while in church in August 2024 due to cardiac arrest. He is staying with his elderly, sick grandmother, she does not have fees for his education. He loves football and reading and would like to be a lawyer. He is very sad about all of the immediate changes and losing his mother. 


Sofayi, and her half-brothers are in a heartbreaking situation. Her father is missing or has left with no notice, her mother has remarried and left the four kids with their elderly grandmother, who can not care for all of them. They are not in school regularly. A community member from several towns away has reached out to us to share their plight. Sofayi is six and in grade 1, she loves playing hide and seek. We are praying for four sponsors to come forward to help this family.


Matthews and his half-sister and brothers are in a heartbreaking situation. His father is missing or has left with no notice, his mother has remarried and left the four kids with their elderly grandmother, who can not care for all of them. They are not in school regularly. A community member from several towns away has reached out to us to share their plight. Matthews is 9 and in grade two, he loves playing soccer and tag. We are praying for four sponsors to come forward to help this family.


Junior and his half-sister and brothers are in a heartbreaking situation. His father is missing or has left with no notice, his mother has remarried and left the four kids with their elderly grandmother, who can not care for all of them. They are not in school regularly. A community member from several towns away has reached out to us to share their plight. Junior is 12 and in grade three, he loves playing soccer and tag. We are praying for four sponsors to come forward to help this family.


Mastano and his half-sister and brothers are in a heartbreaking situation. His father is missing or has left with no notice, his mother has remarried and left the four kids with their elderly grandmother, who can not care for all of them. They are not in school regularly. A community member from several towns away has reached out to us to share their plight. Mastano is 11 and in grade two, he loves playing soccer and tag. We are praying for four sponsors to come forward to help this family.


Ireen is 15 and in Form One. She likes to read, pray and watch movies. She wants to be a nurse. Ireen lost her father at a young age. She is raised by her mother and grandfather. Her mother does not work and her grandfather is a peasant farmer. Paying for school fees is very difficult and they have reached out to MHM for help. 


Mcdaff’s mother had him when she was a teenager, therefore the father denied him. Mother has since remarried and the boy is being raised by his elderly grandfather, who does piece work when he can find it for food. He can not afford fees for school. Mcdaff is a very good student and wants to be a soldier. He loves football and movies.


Prisca’s parents are divorced and remarried. Her step father is not taking responsibility for her and her step mother is abusive. She is staying with a wayward aunt and there is concern that she will be married off at an early age. She enjoys playing netball and wants to be a teacher.


Ntchindi is 17 and in Form 2. She enjoys singing in the choir and playing netball. She wants to be a secondary school teacher. Her father left her mother with four kids when Ntchindi was a toddler and they have lived in abject poverty since then. Her older brother has left school due to lack of fees and she was sent home several times last year due to lack of fees. She was unable to sit for third term exams for Form 1 and her family is afraid she will be forced to seek marriage as an alternative.


Terrina’s family is in deep poverty and she is not in a good environment to be educated. She often stops by our offices to ask for money for food and school supplies. Terrina wants to be a nurse and enjoys netball and reading.


Thokozani is ten years old. Her father has two wives and 10 children. He does not work, so it is difficult to find food to feed 12 people let alone pay for school fees. She is the youngest and with the best grades, they are praying for her to receive an education vs. the alternative of early marriage.


Uchindami is 14 and in Form One. Her parents are divorced, and unfortunately, her stepmother is abusive. She is living with an aunt who is not working and is also paying for her three kids to attend university. So Uchindami does not have fees for school. She likes to read and watch movies.

coming Soon

This child is already prayed for. She will be ready for school and ready to learn about God’s Love.

This child would like to be sponsored and continually prayed over.


Anita loves reading the bible and playing netball. Her father divorced her mother and left her with five kids to care for. Her oldest brother is in university and the mother is paying fees for him by taking in tailoring jobs. However, like Anita, the mother is also asthmatic and if she is hospitalized for her Asthma then she can not take on paying jobs. Anita is very bright and has straight A's in school. She wants to continue on to become a nurse.


Tawonga wants to become a medical doctor. She comes from a very poor background and stays with her elderly mom. She is the youngest of six much older siblings. All of her older siblings dropped out of school at a young age due to a lack of fees. They fear the same will happen to her. Tawonga is very bright and has straight A's in school.

coming Soon

This child is already prayed for. She will be ready for school and ready to learn about God’s Love.

This child would like to be sponsored and continually prayed over.

“for the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him (her) who has it.”

— Ecclesiastes 7:12 ESV