More beautiful children who are being empowered by education and learning about the love of Jesus.

Siblings Story

Christopher, Enala, and Joshua’s father was sent to prison and their stepmother left the three children to fend for themselves. At the time, the oldest, Christopher was in Form 1 of High School and doubled as a parent to his two younger siblings. Christopher made a living by finding piecework in the area to support himself and his siblings. They also received help from kind community members and teachers. There were times that the children would go hungry if Christopher was unable to find help or work to earn money. They were living in an abandoned shelter by the river, which at one point flooded, making their living conditions deplorable.

As a young teenager, Enala, had already taken on the role of a mother in her household. Enala was cooking, doing daily chores, and had little time to just be a child or concentrate on her studies. It was very dangerous for her to not have the protection of a family.

Joshua, the youngest of the three, has a very sweet demeanor, loves to play soccer, and be around his older siblings. Joshua wants to be a pilot when he grows up.

When we found sponsors for the siblings Joshua had a bad case of Malaria and they had no other clothes or possessions beyond what they were wearing. Our Executive Director said it was an emotional encounter to tell them they had all been sponsored!

these are the siblings today…


Joshua is a lively 12-year-old boy in the fifth grade. He and his older siblings have been surviving on their own due to their Father’s imprisonment and their stepmother abandoning them. Joshua wants to be a pilot in the future. Joshua describes himself as an extremely hard worker. His teachers have spoken highly of him as well and have noted that he is a hard-working and intelligent young man. With his sponsorship, Joshua is heading to boarding school, a safe place to learn, with plenty of food to eat, and a better chance of achieving his goals in the future.


Christopher is in Form 1 of High School and is greatly esteeme among his peers. Christopher loves to play soccer, has an outgoing personality, and would love to someday be a journalist so he can visit different countries. These dreams however had taken a back seat to his responsibility of taking care of his siblings. Now with a sponsor, he can go after those dreams! Go, Christopher!


Enala is 15-years-old and in grade 7. When told that she and her brothers were all going to be sponsored she broke down in tears. They were staying in a shelter down by the river, which recently flooded so their sheets were mud-soaked and not salvageable. They left with only the clothes on their backs. She is now a strong leader in our choir with a beautiful voice and does well in school.

“for the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him (her) who has it.”

— Ecclesiastes 7:12 ESV


After Charity’s dad passed away and her mother left, she lived with several caregivers over the years. Since being sponsored she has discovered that she loves to eat chicken, rice, popcorn, and sweets!!! She has a megawatt smile and a knack for numbers. She can definitely get moody if she doesn’t get her way, but her hugs and big beautiful eyes are always sincere.

Charity is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.


Mphatso lost both parents at a young age. Living with her grandmother and two half siblings, Mphatso, struggled with food, insecurity, and her studies. Since finding a sponsor, Mphatso, has come out of her shell! She has a strong personality and an appetite to match! She is doing well in her studies and with her needs met she has developed into a gorgeous young lady with a smile that rivals the sunshine.

Mhatso is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.


Born of a prostitute, Deborah was adopted by a Nigerian pastor when she was 3 months old. The pastor and wife did not have biological children. They took very good care of her and sent her to good schools. She speaks very good English. Unfortunately, the pastor was recalled back to Nigeria before legal adoption.

She was left under the care of her elder sister who is not working and couldn’t take care of her. As such she had to go and is being kept by a distant granny in the village.

Deborah wants to become a medical doctor in order to serve women. I guess she means gynecologist. She loves most mathematics and English. She is ready to attend school and receive loving support.

Deborah is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.


Ulemu is the second born of four children. She lost her parents and stays with both her grandparents, who are mere peasants. She has two brothers and a sister. Ulemu is very good in science and especially mathematics. She would like to become a nurse.

Ulemu is a wonderful caretaker and very helpful. She is also very firm in her decision making and following the rules. She loves to be the mother figure when hanging out with her friends.

Ulemu is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.


Christina is the fifth born in a family of six. Two of her elder sisters got married while in primary school. Her two older brothers dropped from school. Her father drinks and does not care about the well-being of Christina’s education. Her mother sent her to live with her sister-in-law to save her from early marriage and give her a chance to be educated.

The aunt Christina stays with is a single mother and has responsibilities with her own children. Before being sponsored through Hadassah House Ministries, Christina was attending evening classes in one of the secondary schools because the fee was more affordable. Christina is very intelligent and stands a better chance to progress academically given the right environment.

Christina is in secondary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.


Emma is a beautiful 13-year-old who is in the 7th grade. In her short life, Emma has seen poverty, hardship, and abandonment. Her mother gave birth to her at a young age and the father rejected them both. Eventually, her Mother married but was again rejected by the stepfather. Her mother eventually passed away. As a result, Emma has been raised by her poor grandmother since she was 6 years old.

Emma has been described by her previous teacher as brilliant and capable. The Grandmother was not able to support her secondary school education and as a result, she would have had to eventually drop out and remain stuck in the cycle of poverty.

She dreams of becoming a teacher one day. She says with an education she will put a smile on her Grandmother's face. This is very important to her because her Grandmother has supported her when everyone else abandoned her.

Emma is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through university.



Patience is a 12-year-old entering Standard 7. She lives with her mother, younger brother, and demanding stepfather. Her father passed away. She was living in a harsh environment. Ill-treated by her stepfather, she and her brother, Shalom, were threatened that if they did not sell fruits and doughnuts on the streets, they would not receive a meal.

Patience looks malnourished and was forced to carry heavy loads on her head which are too much for her age and weight. She went to school during the day and then straight to the city streets to sell until very late at night. She was in danger of being mistreated in the city streets at night.

Patience is an introvert who is very hardworking and likes to make doughnuts. She would like to become a nurse. She believes that education could improve her situation.

Patience is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her and praying for her.



Emma is 17-years-old and in grade 8. At this age, most children would be worried about school and friends, but Emma had a much bigger burden. She and her younger brother have been abandoned by their parents. The father disappeared first, never to be heard from by his family. After a short time, the mother remarried and left Emma and her brother, Kaiser, to fend for themselves.

Emma tried to balance school performance and going door-to-door in her community finding piece work to earn enough to feed herself and her younger brother. A kind woman in the community allowed these children to stay in a house of hers so they at least had somewhere to sleep. Without sponsors, these two children would have a bleak future ahead of them.

Emma is in boarding school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her and praying for her.


Atughanire (He Loves us) has been selected to one of the prestigious secondary schools and is very intelligent. She received straight A’s in her 8th year of primary school. She was an emergency case that we found a sponsor for in 24 hours. Her father can not work due to elephantiasis in his leg.

Atughanire loves to read and desires to be a university Lecturer. We are so grateful to her sponsor for stepping in and supporting her!


Iness is in Form 1 and is 15 years old. Teachers have spoken of Iness's great potential but despite that she was sent home from school due to a lack of ability to pay her school fees. Iness is a double orphan who lives with her grandmother. Along with the hardship of paying for school she was also traveling a long-distance to get there. Walking 18 km every day only to be sent back if she can not pay her fees. Being sponsored will help Iness tremendously and save her from the threat of early marriage.

Iness is so excited to be sponsored and continually prayed over.



Taona is a 17-year-old going into Form 1. She has had a difficult journey in the past couple of years.

Taona was accepted into secondary school but dropped out after finding out she was pregnant. The father chose to reject her and her baby.

Taona is now living with her mother who is also single, and her four siblings. Taona's baby is now a year old and she is determined to make a better life for both of them. To be successful, education will be crucial for this young lady!

Taona is now being sponsored and prayed over. Her mother is caring for the baby as Taona works to give her and her baby a better life.



Precious lost both parents at a young age and was taken in by her uncle. Besides Precious, the uncle is supporting three biological children as well as his younger brother’s children because their father also has passed.

She started university but had to drop out because her uncle is working to support two of his sons and one nephew in secondary school and can no longer pay for her education.

Precious is now sponsored and has returned to university and will study social development. She would like to work with orphans and girls dealing with similar circumstances as she has overcome.

Precious is our first university-age sponsored person. She is also the benchmark for our mentorship program, where she is a role model and spiritual leader for the younger girls in our program. We are so excited to support Precious in this amazing role and at a time when she has very important choices to make.



Tinenenji is a 17-year-old, in Form 2. She has never met her father and has no information about him. Her mother remarried to a different tribe so she was ostracized from her original tribe along with the grandmother with whom she lives.

Recently she was on a walk for firewood when she met a man who then proposed marriage to his son (with a third-grade education) to her grandmother. Her grandmother accepted the dowry and therefore Tinenenji is being forced to marry. She did not want this for herself so she ran away and was hiding with teachers who could not keep her for long.Her grandmother said she would be forced to marry if she returned. Tinenenji wanted to go back to school to have a better outcome for her life.

Tinenenji is now safe in school and being sponsored and prayed over.


Chrissy is 14 years old and going into Form 1

She is an extrovert who enjoys going to church, and happens to be a very good singer! She lives with both parents who are elderly and not in good health, and as a consequence, they are not able to produce enough income to send her to secondary school.

Chrissy is a very bright young lady and has great potential and dreams of becoming a nurse someday. Because of her sponsors her dreams are now possible.



Anna’s parents are both uneducated. Her father is an assistant pastor of a church that is still very small and cannot give him enough financial support to send Anna to a school that will encourage her in her quest to “end poverty for my family”.

Anna loves reading books and likes playing netball. She would like to be a policewoman to “rid the nation of thieves and lawbreakers”.

Anna is a little bit shy, yet she stands proudly in her new uniform!

Anna is now sponsored and ready to chase after her dreams!



Memory is a 9-year-old girl who is in grade 3. She currently lives with her grandmother while her mother works nearby at a farm to try to give her family some support. Her mother got pregnant as a teenager by a truck driver who was giving her school support in trade for “favors”. When she found out she was pregnant, she had to drop from school and the man responsible was married and wouldn’t take her or the baby. Her mother remarried and that is why Memory is now living with her grandmother.

Memory would like to be a teacher, she is a very bright girl and with support, she will excel. She is excited to receive a consistent education and to make new friends.

Memory is in primary school and has a donor committed to sponsoring her through University.


Rostina is a shy and delightful young lady. She is quiet but looked at by the other girls as a leader. She excels in her studies and works hard to get good grades. The other kids all call her ‘Agogo’ which means grandmother. They call her this because she tells beautiful folk tales to the kids and is a very good storyteller. Rostina loves the word of God and is a joy to be around.

She is sponsored by a lovely family who constantly prays for her and lifts her up.



Diagrace is the oldest of three girls. She is 15 years old and in form 3. Her father was tragically killed in a road accident in December 2020. Her mom does not work. Her father worked in the government and was the primary breadwinner. Her sisters and mom moved in with her uncle and he has been taking care of their needs. The uncle has three children of his own, each in school. The uncle, understanding that education and advancing his family is important, has returned to university himself. With him and all the children in school, it is overwhelming to maintain costs.

Diagrace is an extrovert with a sense of humor. She loves reading novels and watching movies. She would like to be a university professor when she grows up. Her motivation is to hold a PhD one day.

Diagrace is sponsored and prayed over.



Favor is 12-years-old and in grade 7. She is the middle of three sisters. Her father was tragically killed in a road accident in December 2020. Her mom does not work. Her father worked in the government and was the primary breadwinner. Her sisters and mom moved in with her uncle and he has been taking care of their needs. The uncle has three children of his own, each in school. The uncle, understanding that education and advancing his family is important, has returned to university himself. With him and all the children in school, it is overwhelming to maintain costs.

Favor is a boisterous girl and loves jumping rope. She would like to be a medical doctor when she grows up. She says she is committed to giving her mother a good life and as such will work hard in school to make sure her mom is happy.



Hilda is 7 years old and in grade 2. She is the youngest of three girls. Her father was tragically killed in a road accident in December 2020. Her mom does not work. Her father worked in the government and was the primary breadwinner. Her sisters and mom moved in with her uncle and he has been taking care of their needs. The uncle has three children of his own, each in school. The uncle, understanding that education and advancing his family is important, has returned to university himself. With him and all the children in school, it is overwhelming to maintain costs.

Hilda is a sweet girl. She is an introvert and likes writing and ready. She would like to work in the bank, in essence, she would like to go into accounting, like her dad.


Pachalo is a 16 year old orphan in From 4. She lost both her parents to AIDS and is now living with her aunt. She is the 6th born in her family. Her aunt and uncle cannot pay for all the kid’s school fees and therefore she is missing a lot of school.

She is an extrovert who likes reading the Bible and chatting with her friends. She aspires to be a police woman. As an orphan, Pachalo has felt pain and misery in her life and she feels that education is the only way to give her a happy life.

UPDATE: Pachalo graduated Secondary school and is now attending trade school and studying Food Processing. We are so proud of her dedication to her studies!


Elasy is a 17-year-old and is in fashion school. Her father passed away and she lives with her mother who is a farmer. She is the 4th of 6 children. Her 4 sisters dropped out of school and married while her brother also dropped out of school to be a farmer with their mother. She sees the great need her sisters are in because of poverty and she doesn’t want to be like that. Her mother cannot afford the school fees and so Elasy has been dropped from school.

She likes reading books and playing netball. She is an extrovert and very outgoing. She would also like to help other girls get sponsorship and to also encourage them to work hard in class so they can be independent financially.

UPDATE: Elacy completed fashion school and is now working in Attachment (internship) where she gets hands-on training working with actual clients. She is so excited to be able to produce amazing clothing.



Yilinase is a 16-year-old orphan who is in Form 4. She lives with her grandmother, who is old and weak, and her two younger siblings. Her older siblings dropped out of school and married. Her grandmother cannot make enough money for her school fees so she was sent away from school and is just staying at home.

She is an introvert who likes reading books and hanging out with friends. She would like to become a journalist. She wants to make a difference in life and impact her community.


Roseline is a 16-year-old orphan who is in Form 4 (Senior year). She is the 5th born of five and currently lives with her aunt and cousins. Her aunt cannot pay for both her own children’s and Roseline’s school fees at once. Her two older sisters dropped out of school and married while her two brothers are both married and living at home. She does not want to follow in their footsteps.

She is a jovial and humorous girl who likes to work in the garden and read novels in her free time. She would like to become a nurse. Her desire to excel and become independent in life is her motivation. She would like to champion safe motherhood to make sure there are fewer maternal deaths in her society.

UPDATE: Rosaline graduated Secondary school and is now attending trade school and studying Food Processing. We are so proud of her dedication to her studies!


Zeria is a third-year nursing student and has a beautiful smile and a curious nature. She is a joy to be around and is grateful to have friends in her field also in the Myrtle House Ministries program.

UPDATE: Zeria graduated with her nursing degree in April 2023! We are so proud of Zeria and look forward to watching her thrive in her career!


Rose has led a difficult life, her father and mother divorced and both have remarried. Her mother moved away. Life with her father and stepmother was unbearable. Her father chased her and her younger brother away from their house. Her brother dropped out of school and is now married.

Rose is a 22-year-old introvert who was sponsored through MHM and attending a government university, working toward a bachelor's of education in Language. In her second year of university, she became pregnant by a man seeking her hand in marriage. Because she was nervous about her situation she unexpectedly left university and traveled to another country. She has since asked for a second chance and for forgiveness. We are happy to say that Rose is sponsored and will return to her studies with her sweet baby!

Rose is a determined young lady. We all get knocked down, but the greatness in a man or woman is evident in them standing back up and walking the intended path God set for them with endurance. We are proud of Rose's courage.


Caroline is a shy 16-year-old who loves cooking and is going into Form 1.

She lost both parents to HIV/Aids and as a result, she and her 3 siblings have been raised by their grandmother. Being elderly the grandmother simply can not support school fees for the children and Caroline's older sister consequently dropped out of school and married at a young age.

Caroline dreams of becoming a lawyer and being free of poverty someday. Without a sponsor and a good education, however, this may simply remain a distant dream for her.

UPDATE: Caroline has chosen to continue her education closer to her grandmother and her boyfriend. We wish caroline all the best!


Mercy is a second-year nursing student with phenomenal dedication to her studies. Mercy lives with her single mother and two siblings and has very little means to pay her fees for school. Because of her drive to continue in her education Mercy has resorted to begging in the streets to come up with money for her tuition. She was able to pay her way through an entire year of nursing school by working, begging on the streets, and by her mother receiving small loans.

Mercy is the president of her nursing school class. She takes time to counsel teenage girls to stay dedicated to their studies. She is also a chairperson for the Hospital Christian Fellowship of Evangelizing Hospitals. Despite desperate attempts to come up with tuition funds, Mercy was falling short of the amount needed for her second year and was consequently sent home. One of our main goals in this ministry is to give girls with great potential, who are simply lacking resources, the means they need to be successful.

Mercy’s prayers have been answered, she has a sponsor! She is now in a position to be a great influence on many other young women in Malawi.

UPDATE: Mercy graduated with her nursing degree in April 2023! We are so proud of Mercy and look forward to watching her thrive in her career!


This is how our Lead Coordinator in Malawi operates… By the SPIRIT! He saw this young man doing piece work (small odd jobs to make money) and struck up a conversation. Luckson is a very intelligent kid, who has very good marks in school, however, the school would not let him continue because he could not pay the fees. After a little research into his grades and school, we learned that Luckson attends a government school. Our Lead Coordinator talked to the headteacher from the primary school Luckson attended. He mentioned Luckson was a very brilliant boy and was the only boy selected to attend boarding school out of the 24 kids that made it to secondary school from their school. We also learned that his mother is a widow and very poor. Because of this divine interaction, Luckson will now be able to complete his education!

UPDATE: Luckson was selected to receive a scholarship from the President’s wife to complete his education. His humble family informed us so that we could pass his support onto another child in need. We are so proud of you Luckson and wish you all the best in your continued studies!


Chimwemwe came to us from an orphanage in Northern Malawi. He is very excited to be in school and loves his sponsor family!

He is a shy, kind, and very sweet person with a beautiful smile. He loves to play soccer and swim in Lake Malawi.


Tapokera is a sweet 10-year-old boy in the 3rd grade. While he is very young, he has had an immensely difficult life. Tapokera’s father passed away of cancer and was also an Albino. In this culture, Albinism can be viewed as a curse and because of this Tapokera has been an outcast his entire life. His mother was also from a different tribe making them both victims of abuse. After his father’s death, they were stripped of all their possession and their home and cast out. They are now starting over in a different area of Malawi and because everything was taken from them, they are in terrible poverty.

Despite all of these factors, Tapokera is still an outgoing and kind young man with a brilliant smile. He would like to be an army commander when he grows up and also would like to help kids with albinism to make sure they don’t suffer the same treatment that he has.

With his sponsor, Tapokera will have a brilliant future and he will have an amazing testimony to strengthen others who have suffered as he has.


Patricia is 15 years old, in Form 1, and is a hard-working girl striving to make it in life. She has lost both parents and currently lives with her older brother and his family. The brother is a farmer with a disability in his sight. Because of this Patricia works hard alongside her sister-in-law to try and earn enough to go to school. When we visited her they were hard at work on a neighbor’s farm to earn more money. Because of the work, she can't attend class regularly, but without the work, she can't pay school fees so Patricia is caught in a very hard situation. A sponsor would allow her to focus on her education and avoid early marriage.

Patricia would like to be sponsored and continually prayed over.


Our coordinator described Monica as a brilliant child stuck in poverty. She lost her father to Aids and her mother to cervical cancer and has been living with her widowed grandmother for most of her life. Her grandmother helped the best she could by selling chickens and maize, even though they needed that food, to try and pay school fees. Monica had been sent home many times due to lack of fees and also stayed home from school due to their inability to afford sanitary pads and good clothing. Sadly, the grandmother is too old to fend for Monica much longer. We acted swiftly and found a wonderful sponsor for Monica.

We pray this brings hope to Monica and relief to her grandma.


We met this boy when we visited one of the villages, he stood out to us as he appeared to have the least. He stayed on our hearts and we are now searching for a sponsor for him.

Chimwemwe is quiet and a bit shy. He likes to play soccer and hunt mice. Chimwemwe is eleven years old. He is cared for by his elderly grandmother as both his parents abandoned him due to remarriage. He borrowed this shirt for the picture as he does not have many clothes of his own.


Timale is a 16-year-old entering Form 1. She lives with both parents who are living below the poverty level and remain illiterate. She has 4 siblings, her older brother and sister dropped out of school. Her parents believe she is the game-changer of their family story because she is very intelligent, hardworking, and has very good performance in school. A scholarship would not only be helpful to her but to her parents as well.

Timale is a shy girl who is very good at mathematics and sciences. She loves to read the Bible and sing in the choir. Her driving force is to become an accountant in a big company one day. She admires women that have made it in life and believes she could have an enjoyable life as they do.

Timale would also like to one day start a scholarship fund for girls in need and send them to good schools.


Mwayiwawo (11years) Grade 3. Mwayiwawo currently lives with her grandmother and her mother who suffers from mental illness. This young lady is very shy but still managed to show us her beautiful smile when we visited her. Because of her mother's illness, Mwayiwawo did not attend school regularly. Having a mental illness is a social stigma that unfortunately also impacts family members. Despite the discrimination, she faces Mwayiwawo still hopes to finish school and become a nurse one day so she can help her Mother get well again.

Mwayiwawo has been sponsored and will receive prayers and fun notes!


Patricia is a fourteen year old girl entering grade seven. She is a shy girl and loves reading books. She would like to be a police officer when she grows up. Patricia lives with her mom and siblings. Her father left eight years ago to look for work and has not returned. Her older brothers have dropped out of school, one is married. She is the third born and in danger of early marriage due to lack of support. She is intelligent and has an opportunity to excel in education and make a difference in her family.


Elfas is a Nursing Student finishing her 3rd year in nursing school. She needs to complete one more year and sit for exams to get her degree. Elfas is the oldest of five children. The father is sick and in Palliative care. Her mother sells dry fish to support the family. The mother has borrowed money to put Elfas through school, but she is also putting the four other kids through school and has outstanding debts. Elfas is a very cheerful lady and likes reading the bible and novels. She also loves singing and spending time with friends. Because she was unable to pay her debt she was sent home until she has funds to cover her tuition.

Elfas was sponsored in just enough time to take her exams and will be completing her final year of nursing school. She will then be able to go on to help her family and support the other siblings attending school. We are proud of Elfas for stepping out in faith and believing for a sponsor!

UPDATE: Elfas graduated with her nursing degree in April 2023! We are so proud of Elfas and look forward to watching her thrive in her career!


Eliakim is 17 years old in Form 3 and desires to become an accountant and has a great love of mathematics. Being the 1st born in a family of five with only the mother as a surviving parent to help him, Eliakim faces a major challenge with being able to focus on his education. He has worked extremely hard to put himself through school by doing piece work during school breaks. He also helps to support his other siblings. He will be writing exams for Form 4 and it is crucial that he is able to focus more on his education so that he can continue pressing forward with his dream of a better life. He wants to be able to pull his family out of poverty.

Eliakim is so proud to be sponsored and prayed over.


Beauty is one of seven children. Her parents are unemployed and her older sisters were married off due to financial needs. Beauty is a 22-year-old nursing student. She was in the second semester of her second year when her sponsor, who was assisting with her funds, succumbed to Covid in 2020. She has been out of school since that time. Her school started in September and with God’s perfect timing we were able to secure a wonderful sponsor who jumped in without hesitation! Beauty will return to school and complete her nursing degree. She intends to help others in similar situations after she gets a nursing job. Beauty is very outgoing and loves to read and watch movies.


Atina is 10. She is the younger sibling of another one of our students. Their mother currently sells vegetables and attends a technical school, that we helped her find, to learn the fashion trade (making clothes). She rents a house that may be due back to the owner soon and they will not have anywhere else to go. Our lead coordinator keeps track of this family in particular because of their dire situation. Our goal is to help empower this family with the mother learning a trade and sending the kids to school.

We are so grateful for the sponsor who came forward to pray for Atina and her family as well as support her through school. She is doing very well in school and is fitting in well with the other children.


Aucia is a twelve-year-old girl entering grade six. She and her sister Rachel live with their grandmother and blind grandfather. Their mother eloped with a witch doctor six years ago and ran away to Zambia. Her exact whereabouts is unknown. The grandparents are frail and aging. The grandmother is tasked with caring for her husband and the girls. There is little to no money for food, clothing, and school. A sponsor and a boarding school education have given this family hope and a future.

Aucia is an extrovert and loves singing. She also loves school and would like to be a social worker to help elderly with social needs, especially those with disabilities.


Rachael is a nine-year-old girl entering grade five. She and her sister Aucia live with their grandmother and blind grandfather. Their mother eloped with a witch doctor six years ago and ran away to Zambia. Her exact whereabouts is unknown. The grandparents are frail and aging. The grandmother is tasked with caring for her husband and the girls. There is little to no money for food, clothing, and school. Both sisters are very happy to be sponsored together.

Rachael is an extrovert and loves playing netball and local games. She wants to become a doctor. She would like to make her grandparents proud and as such cannot give up on education.



Coming Soon

This child is already prayed for. They will be ready for school and ready to learn about God’s Love.




Tapiwa is the younger sister to Chimwemwe. She has lived with her elderly grandmother for the past several years. Her grandmother is not in good health and it is best for Tapiwa to join her brother at school where she will receive consistent food, shelter, medical care and education.


Grace is in her third year of nursing school. Her father left last year to marry another woman leaving Grace, her mother, and two younger brothers to fend for themselves. Grace’s mother is desperately trying to keep up with the fees for the two younger boys in Secondary school and had to stop paying Grace’s fees. Grace has debt from the second year (approx. $165) and owes fees for her third year (approx. $450 per semester) including food and upkeep. Grace is introverted and likes to read and hang out with friends. She is praying for a sponsor so she can finish her education and help her mom with her brothers.

Update: Grace Passed her exams and is now a qualified nurse! Congratulations Grace!!!




Chisomo is twelve and lives with her uncle and aunt. She is in grade six. Chisomo is outgoing and sociable. She loves to read books and would like to be a nurse when she grows up.

At home, Chisomo’s aunt gave her chores that were beyond her ability/skill level. If she was home late from school she suffered punishment. Her aunt often required Chisomo to accompany her to the farm or help with chores leaving Chisomo no option but to be absent from school. Her uncle drinks and does not help with Chisomo’s growing concerns.

We are so happy Chisomo is now sponsored and attending boarding school and making new friends. She will be prayed over and receive the care she needs.


Sarah is the 5th born of 6 kids being raised by her widowed mother. Sarah’s father passed away in 2017. Her two older sisters work to help with living expenses, but it is not enough to put Sarah and her younger sister through school.

Sarah will be starting university in July and studying Accounting. She is very excited. She is described as outgoing and good at cracking jokes!


Prince is one of six and lives with his mom, who is a farmer. Prince and his family live in the central region of Malawi, however he has been accepted to secondary school in the northern region. Last term he was unable to afford travel fees to go home during break so he had to find shelter on his own. He was also not able to write the end of trimester exams due to lack of fees.

According to Prince: “I come from a very poor family and I am the first to be accepted to secondary school. Everyone is counting on me and I can’t fail.”


This is Melvin, he was brought to our attention by Malawi Child Welfare. Melvin is a double orphan (no living parents) he is being raised by an aunt. At just 8 years old he is required to do the chores of an adult: collect water, watch over the cattle, cook, and clean. He has little schooling as he is required to do chores first. If the chores are not done he is flogged to the point of injury on his legs.  We are so excited to see what Melvin will do with consistent food, education and care. 


Idah is a 22 year old young lady who would like to attend university to be a human rights activist. She is the younger sister of Mercy another person who has gone through our ministry and is graduating in April from nursing. Idah is the last born and supported by her single mother. Idah is an extrovert who is described as humble and helpful.

We are grateful that her sponsors will pray over Idah and support her throughout her university experience.


Deborah was being raised by her aunt (her mom’s sister) in a very poor environment. Two retirees took note of her good performance in school and wanted to support Deborah. However, the demands of her education were more than they could handle so they reached out to Myrtle House Ministries for support. Deborah now has a sponsor and will be attending a boarding school where she will receive the education she needs to thrive. Deborah dreams of being a teacher. We are so grateful for her sponsor!


Chisomo is the oldest of four being raised by a single mom. Her parents divorced and her father remarried and left the family on their own. Her mom is putting two of her siblings through secondary school and does not have the funds to support Chisomo as she endeavors to attend trade school for fashion and tailoring. Chisomo is a very passionate singer and loves to lead worship. We are so grateful for her sponsor family!

UPDATE: Chisomo has moved on to another sponsorship opportunity.


Elissa is the second born of three. Her older brother dropped out of school because they lost their father and their mother remarried. The stepfather has rejected the responsibility of Elissa and her siblings, so they were being raised by their frail grandmother. Elissa’s step sister has since taken over responsibility of Elissa to help protect her from early marriage.

Elissa loves to draw and read books. She hopes to be a teacher. She is very grateful to have the love and support of her sponsor family.


Fayness’s parents died when she was young. She moved in with her grandparents. After some time her grandmother died and she had to move in with her older sister and her husband. Her sister assisted with some school fees to get Fayness through secondary school.

Fayness started a small scale business to help pay for her first year of university, studying business management and entrepreneurship. With inflation she barely makes enough to live, let alone pay for school fees. A sponsorship would help her to achieve her dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

Fayness is described as good at associating with people and adaptive to change. She loves to read and play sports.

Yobe (job)

Yobe and his four siblings have been raised by their grandmother in abject poverty. They often go to bed hungry. Yobe has found piece work to pay for food and clothing for him and his siblings. However, his younger sister was the victem of early marriage. Yobe is in secondary school and loves singing and playing keyboard and guitar. We are so grateful that his sponsor family will come along side him on his journey.

Chisomo N.

Chisomo is 15 years old and in form 2 in school. Sadly, she and her older sister lost their father to a hit-and-run accident. Their aunt adopted them, however, she is an unemployed, single parent and can not afford to pay school fees. Chisomo has been sent out of school at this time. Both girls were psychologically affected by the death of their father and have been receiving counseling. We are seeking an immediate sponsor so we can help get Chisomo back into school. 

Beatrice M.

Beatrice is in Form 3 in secondary school and has recently gotten eyeglasses, which have helped tremendously in her studies.

She is a very good student and is looking forward to becoming a civil engineer.


Funny is an eighteen-year-old orphan referred to us by the Ministry of Education. She is now attending University and studing Political Science and governance.

Coming Soon

This child is already prayed for. They will be ready for school and ready to learn about God’s Love.