Myrtle House ministries

Our mission is to provide faith-based education and opportunities to orphans and vulnerable children to empower them to be successful members of their community.

Primary School Graduates

Secondary School Graduates

University Graduates

“Continue to pray for us so that we can grow in our spiritual life and be led to our goals. May the spirit of love, the bounty of hope, and the blessings of peace be your gifts this year.”

-Precious, came to MHM in 2021, and graduated with a degree in Community Development in 2024

Our story


In 2020, during the Corona Virus Pandemic, it was brought to our attention that over 120,000 girls in the country of Malawi on the Continent of Africa left school (often involuntarily) and entered early marriage, unintended pregnancy, or prostitution. This number is in addition to the thousands already on this track. There has also been a recent surge in the human trafficking of minors. These circumstances are staggering and create a cycle of poverty and destitution that will impact generations to come. We recognized our mission and are working directly with an affiliate on the ground, in Malawi, to establish long-term, faith-based educational opportunities for as many orphans and vulnerable children as possible.

A recent study estimated that over 8 million children worldwide have lost a parent or primary caregiver to the COVID-19 pandemic. On the continent of Africa, the covid devastation is in addition to the heavy loss suffered by the AIDS epidemic. According to this same study: financial support paired with social support services will help buffer the long-term impacts of loss.


From the start, our goal has been that if we can help even one orphaned or vulnerable child complete their education as well as learn and share the love of Jesus then they will have a very big impact on their future and their community. We now have over 70 kids in our ministry.

By seeking successful educational tracks, coordinating weekly bible studies, developing sponsorship opportunities, and providing support services to the kids and their families Myrtle House Ministries can impact a significant number of orphans and vulnerable children every year. We collaborate with local schools, churches, and boarding facilities to encourage ongoing education, teach about the love of Jesus, provide skills training, job opportunities, and continue to encourage these children to give back to their communities. We aspire to empower, equip, and encourage the kids and their families.

Children in need of sponsorship


Shalom is nine years old and in Grade three. He is the younger brother of Patience. They live with their mother, and demanding stepfather. Their father passed away. Ill-treated by their stepfather, they were threatened that if they did not sell fruits and doughnuts on the streets, they would not receive a meal. However, in addition, to being malnourished he also appeared to have a lot of sores on his little body.

This is the first little boy to enter our program. We originally focused on the plight of the female orphan population, however, when there is a need, we must react. He was so excited to get his new uniform and will continue to be treated for malnourishment.

Shalom’s sponsor can no longer support his education, so he needs a new sponsor to help him continue his education and stay in a safe place.

Patience G.

Patience is a 6-year-old with a big personality. She loves to read and play games. Currently, she and her sister are not attending school due to a lack of fees. Her father, a minister, was paralyzed four years ago and his wife carries him as needed. He was relieved of his duties at the Prespetyrien church and now the family has no income. The financial and psychological toll this family is shouldering is great. We would like to find a sponsor for Patience so she can attend school regularly. 


Efron and his four siblings live with their grandmother. His father passed away and his mother remarried. The stepfather did not accept any of the children, which left them to fend for themselves.

Efron is very outgoing and has a sense of humor. He loves playing soccer and reading books. He is very curious to go to school, however, he has missed many classes due to a lack of funds. He and his siblings often go to bed hungry as the grandma does what she can to raise funds to feed, cloth and educate the kids.


  • Kids

    From the start, our goal has been that if we can help even one orphaned or vulnerable child complete their education as well as learn and share the love of Jesus then they will have a big impact on their future and their community. The best way to support the kids is through sponsorship. Having someone with resources sponsor someone without resources, giving with love, providing support and prayer.

    We currently have over 70 kids in our ministry and look forward to adding more. If you feel led to sponsor a child, please click below.

  • Farming

    We are building a self-sustaining farm and our 34 acres are flourishing! We have had several harvests of maize, sweet potatoes and cassava. Five hundred fruit-bearing trees have been planted including banana, mango, citrus varieties, apple, and pear. In 2024 we built a greenhouse to grow tomatoes and more for year round growing. We also added goats and a goat enclosure.

    Therefore we require heavier equipment to help us effectively farm the maize field and the orchard. Please join us in this effort to purchase a 1-ton farm truck. Our goal is $8,800.

  • Bible Camp

    Bible camp is an important component of our ministry. At camp, the kids learn how to read the bible, dive into stories, and learn parables. The kids pray out loud, they sing and dance and pour into each other and their time with God.

    Some of the kids have never left their villages and now they are witnessing God’s creation and learning to be good stewards of His blessings.

  • Building Development

    We have built a well, outdoor kitchen, greenhouse, goat enclosure, and a caretaker’s cottage with attached secure storage on our land, but we are not done! We plan to add a chapel/community center with a library and computer lab. We also have some additional building projects in mind and are excited for the kids to have a place to grow and share in what God is doing through Myrtle House Ministries.

  • MHM Shop at Kalamazookitty

    MHM has a shop at KalamazooKitty Marketplace, located in Kalamazoo, MI. Our shop is specially curated to sell upcycled furniture, decor, gifts, and more. 100% of the proceeds help provide tuition and care for 8 more kids. We update our shop weekly and post on our Facebook page.

  • Published works to support MHM

    In 2024 we published two works to help provide awareness and support for Myrtle House Ministries. The Positive Affirmations and Bible Verses Coloring Book and the Bible Based Focus Journal are both available on Amazon.

Myrtle House Ministries family story

Chrissy’s Sponsor Family

We know the impact this will have on the children in Malawi. We hear about it every day from our Lead Coordinator, MacDonald, and from the kids. What impact will this have on your family? We tell our sponsor families, ‘they will get out what they put in’. This family has consistently written letters to their sponsored child. From that out-pouring of love, Chrissy is thriving and has taken a leadership role as the student ambassador for the kids. We are grateful to watch this beautiful union.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

-James 1:27